
About Monica Bolocan

  • Licensed clinical & educational psychologist (Romanian Psychologists’ College)
  • Doctor in Psychology (PhD)
  • Postgraduate qualification, master degree level (EQF 7) in “Understanding Children’s Development and Learning”, OPEN University, UK
  • Participation in numerous postgraduate professional training courses in clinical psychology and neuropsychology
  • Extended experience in comprehensive clinical and neuropsychological assessment for various neurodevelopmental disorders, including ADHD, autism, intellectual disability, specific learning disorders (e.g. dyslexia, dyscalculia, language disorders, etc), as well as for neurologic disorders like epilepsy and neurodegenerative diseases
  • Academic IELTS language certificate

English assessments (application of tests, clinical observation, integration, and interpretation of results) are fully performed by Dr. Monica Bolocan. All the psychological tests used in the assessment are the latest versions of the most reliable and comprehensive psychometric tools in the domain of clinical, neuropsychological, and educational psychology. Results interpretation is based on UK/US norms, and standard scores and qualitative descriptions are provided for all subtests.

error: Continutul este protejat la copiere !!! Toate drepturile rezervate - psiholog Monica Bolocan.